
WAN Interface not showing when creating a Fortinet SD-WAN Interface

When adding an Internet connection to a Fortinet firewall that is already in production, it’s possible that the new WAN interface does not show up in the list of available interfaces to add to the virtual SD-WAN interface. First, check that there are no references (Firewall policies or other) to the WAN interface. Existing references […]

Migrate to the Authentication Methods policy in Azure Active Directory by 30 September 2024

We recently received a notification from Microsoft 365 that all legacy Authentication methods for MFA and SSPR need to be migrated to Azure AD Authentication Methods policy by September 2024. Microsoft provided step by step instructions, but we always ended up with an error message when attempting to complete the migration: Couldn’t save the new […]

Cisco Mobility Express Wireless LAN controller – Allow new access points to join / be adopted

When setting up a Cisco wireless network using the Cisco Mobility Express virtual wireless LAN controller (WLC), we ran into problems getting the WLC to accept join requests from new access points. The WLC commands we used for troubleshooting were: show ap join stats summary all – This showed us all the new access points […]

WordPress login problems for all users

Every now and then, we run into weird and unprecedented WordPress problems and the below scenario presents one that we encountered in October 2020. All of a sudden, many of our clients were unable to log on to their WordPress sites. This also affected our WordPress admin accounts. WordPress just said: ”Invalid username or password”. […]

Wireless WPA2 enterprise with Windows Network Policy Server (NPS) and Active Directory PEAP authentication – How to fix Event ID 6273 and Reason code 16

If you are setting up a WPA2 enterprise Wifi network using Windows Network Policy Server and RADIUS, make sure that the NPS server is using a trusted certificate where the name of the NPS server is explicitly mentioned in the certificate. If you are attempting to use a wildcard certificate on your NPS server, Windows […]